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OCaml Cyclical Build Dependencies

This page provides some suggestions for how to resolve cyclic build dependencies.


OMake gives an error like the following:

*** omake: deadlock on a.cmx
*** omake: is a dependency of b.cmx
*** omake: is a dependency of a.cmx


You have a cyclic dependency between your modules, so OMake cannot find a linear order of compilation.

For example, the following set of modules exhibits this problem:

let bar () = ()
let foo () = B.bar ()
let gip () = bar ()

let bar () = A.bar ()

The edges in the call graph are:

A -> B

B -> A

which is cyclic.

Possible Solutions

Here are some potential ways around the problem.

Avoid the situation by careful design

Design the interfaces between modules such that there is a directed, acyclic flow in the graph of modules where edges are function calls. In the example above, the call back from module B to module A would be disallowed.

For example, in our codebase, we have ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml as the "main" module, calling functions in other modules: those modules should never contain functions which call functions back in ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml.

However, sometimes this approach is not possible if you are adding extra functionality to existing code.

Move a function into a new file

A potential solution is to move a function into a separate module to break the cyclic dependency. The fix to the example above would be:

let bar () = ()a.ml
let foo () = B.bar ()
let gip () = A_bar.bar ()

let bar () = A_bar.bar ()

The edges in the call graph are now

A -> B

A -> A_bar

B -> A_bar

which is acyclic.

Pass the function in as a parameter

By passing the "callback" function as a parameter, there is no need for the reverse link in the call graph, breaking the cyclic dependency. The fix to the example above would be:

let bar () = ()
let foo () = B.bar bar
let gip () = bar ()

let bar f = f ()

The edges in the call graph are now

A -> B

which is acyclic.

Using functors

In some situations, you need to pass a lot of "callback" functions and maybe also type declarations. In this case, it could be useful to use functors.

let bar () = ()
let gip () = bar ()

module type B_sig = sig val bar : unit -> unit end
module A (B : B_sig) = struct
let foo () = B.bar ()

module B = struct let bar () = A.bar () end
module A = A(B)
let bar = B.bar

The edges in the call graph are now

B -> A

which is acyclic.

However, in this very simple example, it is not really a good idea to use functors

Using global references

Warning: this is a very ugly solution, try to not use it, but sometimes there are no other ways, so .... (and it is used inside the source code of xapi).

let bar () = ()
let _ = B.bar := bar
let foo () = !B.bar ()
let gip () = bar ()

let bar = ref (fun () -> ())

The edges in the call graph are now

A -> B

which is acyclic.